In just a few minutes, FIND OUT the effectiveness of your lead generation strategies and get your next steps to find more high-quality leads online.

You'll discover how many leads you are leaving on the table and the next steps you need to capture MORE of those leads for your business and your bottom line.

* If you're an experienced entrepreneur and are currently posting all over social media but NOT seeing the leads and results you're after.

*Or, suppose you're at the place where you're spending money on ads to get most of your leads but are wondering how to continue scaling without giving most of your profits back to Facebook.

In that case, this Leads for Business Opportunity Checker is a perfect next step for you

A note from JENN NEAL:

I have been involved in small business marketing for nearly 40 years now, and one thing I see all businesses struggle with, no matter what level they are at, is leads

A few years ago, I went on a mission to find out how to solve this specifically for digital marketers and content creators. 

After two years of research, testing, and tweaking, I figured out the Content Activation model. It's the perfect trifecta of Google juice and free traffic, social media presence, and engagement. And, to top it off, it's half-price paid traffic. 

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